Elysian presents an innovative oil extraction operation model, using mobile structures, which have more advantages in adapting to extraction locations, combined with apps, systems and devices exclusively for tracking metrics and actions in real time.

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The Elysian Extraction Model
In the traditional oil extraction model, an operations base is built, generating large costs and cannot be moved to another area if necessary. The Elysian model has mobility structures: a Command Center that operates through vehicles equipped with high technology, which can support operational and administrative teams, maintenance workshops, among other necessary complements. Everything is interconnected through a system, mobile applications, internet, cameras and specially developed devices, to monitor metrics, execute remote actions and keep the entire team tracked in real time.

Applied Technology
From mobile apps to a social network and exclusive devices
Smart Fleet
Larger trucks make up the Command Center and Support Centers, where operational offices and administrative structures are installed. Smaller vehicles are responsible for moving the team for different purposes.
Exclusive Devices
In the extraction pumps, devices exclusively developed by Elysian are implemented, which are capable of operating, managing metrics and executing productive operations or even self-maintenance actions. The data is forwarded in real time to the Command Centers, which distribute the information through apps, systems and the social network.
Mobile App
The operation application is divided into profiles, for each type of employee, according to the production and management hierarchy. Employees can communicate, record their work routine and perform all the tasks that a traditional extraction system might require.
Administrative System
The mobile apps interconnected with the devices installed on the pumps generate complete information in real time so that a central system can manage, monitor and delegate actions to any employee, team or equipment, being able to monitor the entire routine of any part of the operation with detailed metrics. .

Smart Fleet

Connected Systems

Real-Time Metrics